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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

There is sits, mocking me

Yesterday in the mail, I received this little goodie in the mail:

For those of you who have never seen it...most of you I'd guess, it's a book of restaurants in West Los Angeles, whose food gets delivered by LAbite. Good restaurants: Cheesecake Factory, CPK, ChinChins....oh how I miss you ChinChins. LAbite is a service that you call into and order, they call the restaurant, pick it up and deliver it. To your house. In generally 45 minutes to an hour. To your house. Without you having to go out, or make dinner. Or take rowdy, grouchy, whiny toddlers out in public at night. Delivery. *sob*

Do you see the problem though? I haven't lived in LA for two years. I have lived in Denver for two years, where the best you can get is pizza delivery.

I miss LAbite. We used to order from them 3-4 nights a week. Yes, we had problems. That is a whole other post. It was one of the things I missed within the first week of living here. You mean I can't have food delivered? From good restaurants? Any day of the week? Did we move to Mongolia? You are telling me that I have to like buy food and cook and crap? Sheet.

Yesterday I got this in the mail. Is it a sign? Some freaking joke from the food snobs of the world? Two years and I am used to living here. Two years and I have finally stopped crying for LA. Two years and I no longer throw it in my husbands face that he made me move, each time we argue. But I'd kill for LAbite to come here. It's sitting her mocking me. Dam mail. This is why I never get the mail. Because it mocks me.

*This post is not paid for by LAbite. I am just a person who loved never having to cook. A person who still never cooks, but eats a ton more cereal now. The end.


Andrea's Sweet Life said...

I live on the outskirts of a small town. A year ago, we started being able to get pizza delivered.

Now you've made me realize what I'm really missing. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

yeah, but having to live in l.a. is a steep, steep price to pay

Amazing Greis said...

You weren't joking when you said you don't cook! LOL

Kirsten said...

Yeah. Food delivery is one thing I terribly miss about living in the city.

I do love to cook though. I'd cook you a meal if you lived closer. I really would.

Anonymous said...

I can't even get pizza delivered. So, at least you've got that!

Sounds like perhaps a good business opportunity for you? DenverBite?

Smug said...

It is probably a good thing that I don't have access to something like that. I would be totally poor, cause I would order all the time too!

Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

yep. mockery. that sucks!

Unknown said...

stopping by visiting all the keynotes...since i couldnt make it to blogher 09...

I wish we had some food delivery service...but then again i like in oklahoma not LA lol

really enjoyed your post

Anonymous said...

This cracks me up. My office orders lunch through L.A. Bite a few times a week and it's so amazing, that I'm disappointed that they don't have one in the part of L.A. I live. That I actually have to *gasp* cook or God Forbid, get in my car and drive to pick something up.

j.sterling said...

how do you ever get passed NOT living there?!!! cause i'm not even THAT far away and i bitch about it everyday.

bernthis said...

I think you may have made my life a billion times easier. I do live in LA and it's nice to know my lack of cooking skills can be aided by this wonderful service

Jaden Paige said...

So jealous! There was a service like this in NC when we lived there, but I've never had such convenience in NH!

Bridget said...

I'm beginning to see a Mongolian theme...

Anonymous said...

I wish we had something like that. But first we'd have to get decent restaurants.

And mmmmmm....Chin Chin.

JD at I Do Things said...

Aw. I live in Chicago, and I'm pretty sure we have something similar to LABite. But I'm afraid to try it, because then I'll NEVER buy food or cook again. And that gets kind of expensive. But I may have to check it out. You make it sound so delicious . . . and easy. said...

I can't imagine moving to somewhere that I truly didn't want to live. Glad you're ok with where you live now.