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Monday, December 1, 2008

The best of the best...

Rebecca, also known as Girls Gone Child, posted over at Babble yesterday (still following me?), titled: Money Shots. She described it as this:

"For those of us fond of snapping photos of our spawn, there is nothing more exciting/rewarding/feel-goody than capturing THE photo. You know what I'm talking about: the hard-to-come-by money shot."

The photos she posted are fabulous. The comments have all been more great shots of beautiful babies and kids. I thought I'd post a few of mine. Some of these are older, some brand new. All capture my kids, the way they truly are. As a little old woman, these photos, more than any professional shot I've had taken of them, will remind me of my children as small kids. It will remind me of that moment, each moment, where I caught them off guard, where I managed to show the real them on film.

Both of the girls have always been hard to photograph, although for different reasons. Morgan has been a poser since birth and Bailey has been a photo avoider since birth. But here are my money shots. Might not be great shots to anyone else, but too me, they are priceless.

This one is Morgan, she was two and a half. I was pregnant, maybe seven months, with Bailey. She was looking at giraffes at the zoo.

These two were taken off of a role that the photo lab ruined. I saved them anyway, because it's not like you can get back your child's first week of life. They've become some of my favorite shots of Bailey.

This is the very first photo of my babies girls together. Bay was maybe 11 hours old. Morgan was still convinced a little brother was going to appear out of nowhere any second.

Bailey at about two and a half months old. Funny, but Harrison looks so much like her in this picture. Except she had almost no hair. What little hair she did have was super blond. But the eyes, oy ve those eyes kill me.

I think these next two were taken the same week. Spring, 2006.

This one was on vacation that same summer. This my friends is EXACTLY what Morgan looked like at four years old. All attitude, all the time. Please notice the chopped up hair. I think this was the second time she did it and sadly the third and last time was way worse. In the undershirt she HAD to wear, just like her daddy. Her little belly all sticking out. She did that on purpose for years, we though it was the cutest thing. Then one day, she stopped.

Taken on a school field trip, early Fall, 2007. This was the first day I'd been out of the house, out of bed in about two months. I only went because she begged me too. That day, I changed. I decided to be better. To try harder. For her. To me, this is the most beautiful picture in the world.

These you have seen. I took the one of the girls a couple of weeks before Harrison was born. And my boy. These are my money shots of him. I look in his eyes and I see the world. I see the future, possibility, my heart.

Anyone want to join me? Let me know if you do and I'll like to you on this post. I'm all about adorable photos of kids.


Anonymous said...

Your kids are beautiful. These are wonderful, priceless memories.

Jaden Paige said...

What amazing shots they are!! You are right, those are some money shots :) I'll participate! I'll try and have my money shots post up later today... have a good one!

Lisa said...

Awww. Your kiddos are beautiful. You and Alissa have inspired me... Now to take some pics of my kiddo.


Love. Your children are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing. xo